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Year 4 Project

Part 1 Group

Roles: Researcher, Exhibition Designer


The aim for this project is to design the future experiences of sustainable development work enabled by the changing role of the Global South in 10 years in the future. Throughout this project we will receive expert input from professionals who work in varies different fields such as Lecturers in subjects such as social sciences, environmental sciences, engineering, religious education, literacy; Researchers focusing on sustainable development; Entrepreneurs and PhD students from global southern countries such as Malawi. 


Part One of the project consists of group work, where the year group is divided into 7 smaller sections. Each group is given a disciplinary area these include, health, education, economies, environment, energy and societal structures. We must design our own future world within our area involving our visions of sustainable work in 10 years time in the Global South. 


Part Two of the project is where we work independently following on from personal interests highlighted in group work. We must then design imaginative artefacts, services and experiences for the people who live and work within it.


What is sustainable development?

‘Sustainable Development is a systems approach to growth and development that aims to manage natural, produced and social capital for the welfare of present and future generations.’ 


Generally, sustainable development has 3 different elements economic, environmental and social. However, presently there is a new forth dimension. ‘culture’ which is a predominant factor within this project, specifically when concerning the Global South.  This considers the roles of government and policy makers that have effect on issues such as public health, education and standard of living. Culture also involves the way of life regarding particular groups of people in relation to their faith systems and benefits. As people of western society designing for those in the Global South, understanding the forth dimension of culture is paramount in creating a design in work which is sustainable.


Global South

Low/middle class countries in developing areas of the Globe, including Asia, Africa and Latin America.


    STEEVPLE research











Studio Andthen Workshop

Unintended Consequences 


We were asked in our groups to generate unintended consequences that relate to our STEEEVPLE cards. This involved 3 rounds, each showing further consequences of the previous rounds’. This approach to research allowed us to uncover the unanticipated affects of change that our future predictions could have on the world. The key insight from this workshop suggests that the world is complex, interconnected and non-linear and we must take this into considering when creating our future world of Health in the Global South, 2030.




Defining our world values


Following on from the previous exercises we were able to define our most important values regarding the future of health. Our principal characteristic involves the element of choice, giving the ability for people to choose what they belief is most relevant. We decided to take this approach for our first prototype, creating an artefact which can also work as a research method to enable us to get a greater understand of what people belief is most important in regard to their healthcare. 


The prototype involves different values relating to cultural opposites. Two players must work together in order to balance each others values, being culturally sensitive towards one another. If they fail to do so they will disrupt the environment causing consequences which are shown in the bottom image. The objective of this prototype is not only to gain an understanding of what different people value the most within their healthcare, but also to metaphorically emphasise that globally we should be working together, At the moment the Global North is dominant within the world of health care, and can sometimes be seen as pushing our western views onto others which may not be culturally suitable. Our vision of the further of health will de-construct this existing system and instead push for both to learn from one another.


Sustainable development in healthcare relies on 

cultural sensitivity 



We looked at factors of change affecting the future of healthcare in the Global South. Our exhibit presents three artefacts and three stories that embody the changes that we predict will occur. The trends identified explore: firstly, the increase in global sharing and transferral of knowledge across nations which would lead to innovative sustainable healthcare systems and advances in science and medicine. Secondly, an increase in knowledge and understanding on illnesses and diseases and the ways in which they can be prevented which will undoubtedly reduce the spreading and or contraction of diseases. Lastly, we predict that lifestyle diseases which are currently prominent in the Global North, will begin to overtake as the biggest killers in the Global South as infectious diseases begin to decline due to an increase of access to healthcare and general education around health.





2030 Healthcare Trends


01 Global South advising Global North




02 Preventative Health

03 Infectious Diseases to Lifestyle Diseases

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