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Self | Masturbation for wellness

Year 4 Project

 Self Initiated

Roles: Researcher, Brand Strategist, Product Designer


The project, Self aims to promote the benefits that masturbation can have on an individual’s mental health and self esteem. The brand disconnects from the hyper-sexualisation of conventional sex toys and redesigns masturbation as a wellness ritual.


To gain a holistic understanding of Scotland’s sexual health landscape and the detrimental effects it has on young adults, I interviewed various psychosexual therapists as part of my research.


One particular interview with a female therapist really inspired me. She explained,


"If you learn to love and respect your own body, you will go on to love and respect others too."


Masturbation plays a crucial part in this where she expressed that "masturbation is a meditation of self-love."


"Masturbation is a meditation of self-love"


Interview with psychosexual therapist, 2020


Self's products are inspired by the act of meditation and wellness rituals linked directly to the body. Hot stone massages and worry stones work as tactical engagements which form a connection between the body and wellness. The shape of the stones inspired the form of Self's (self-love) products, which are soft and organic.


The products aim to disconnect from the traditional appearance of sex toys whilst also being ambiguous. The ambiguity allows individuals to learn about their own bodies in any way they feel comfortable doing so. Self's products aim to fight the stigma associated with sex toys and masturbation, instead emphasising the benefits it can have on an individual's mental health and self-esteem. 

"Masturbation allows individuals to learn about their own body. This enables individuals to feel empowered to communicate sexual preferences with partners and discuss boundaries."

Interview with psychosexual therapist, 2020


Research Methods: Case studies, Interviews with guidance teachers, parents and psychosexual therapists, Analysis of current SHRE curriculum, Interactive workshop with young adults.

My dissertation looked at factors which influence the sexual behaviours of young adults in Scotland. The two main factors include previous sex education being delivered in schools and the culture surrounding sex in Scotland. The key insights taken from the research showed that the tone of voice regarding the delivery of education can affect the views of sex in pupils which are transcended into later life. Furthermore, the contrasting factors between hyper-sexualisation on social media and the clinical style of sex education being taught in schools was an important factor. 


Whilst Scotland's teenage pregnancy rates have been decreasing in the last few years due to contraception, they still remain the highest in Europe. Analysis of the Scottish sexual health landscape shows high levels of STI's and domestic violence. As part of my dissertation I decided to conduct a comparison to an education curriculum and culture which contrasted to the Scottish. The Dutch’s positive and pro-sex approach with the introduction of pleasure is contrasted with the clinical tone projected by the Scottish curriculum. The Dutch also opt for a open approach to discussing sex, also contrasting to the prudish and stigmatised behaviours of Scot's. 


The reserved attitudes present in Scottish culture can often result in ‘prudishness’ when discussing sex. This has a negative impact on young people's mental and sexual health, preventing the discussion of important issues regarding sexual health due to fear. This research tool provided me with insights on what young people felt most uncomfortable speaking about, but in a lighthearted and interactive way breaking down barriers which are present in education.

SELF’s ambition is to tackle this issue without the challenging task of changing the education curriculum. SELF’s aim is to educate young adults that both masturbation and sex are natural and create positive views surrounding sex. This will reduce the act of rebellion from the clinical style of education which results in risky behaviours.

Hybrid research tool: combines quantitative and qualitative methods.

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